
Yl@tis-HRM is a vital tool for all organizations that have their sights set on the future.

Yl@tis-HRM lets you administer the entire payroll system from entry of data to payment of an employee. It is designed for virtually all types of enterprises ranging form local businesses to large organizations, especially Government and SemiGovernment organizations.The effectiveness of this system provides you with a vast amount of information at your fingertips and provides the necessary flexibility to adopt dynamically the increasing needs on the generation of payroll and human resource management.

Discover the power of ylatis-HRM

Unlimited employee categories

Multiple Companies

Retrospective pay calculation

Monthly/Fifteen Day/Weekly/Hourly payment availability


Benefits/Loans/Automatic Payment Cuts

Online / batch processing

Calculates overtime for the previous and current period

Creates/Prints reports for government departments

Automatic Provident Fund calculation

Check Issuing

Form Handling: IR63, IR7, IR61, IR59

Provides an internal company loan system

Dynamic Report Generation

Detail information on Provident Fund, Leaves, Payment Scales are on additional leaflets


The system itself is highly secure. The use of relational DB provides an extremely low risk of any violations


Yl@tis-HRM provides a system that allows you to observe and make changes to data. This flexibility allows for more accurate records, yet does not reduce the dynamic and power of the system.


The advanced design reduces the work that is to be done manually, for example issuing cheques, union reports and provident fund information, ending up in time-saving and improved productivity.

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